What is the difference between basis (segmentation) variables and descriptor (discrimination) variables?
When should I standardize my segmentation data?
How do I choose between Hierarchical Clustering and K-Means Clustering?
What is "Cost per unit of effort" and "Margin per unit of output"?
How do I determine the effort levels units and the output units?
What is the difference between a constrained and an unconstrained analysis?
What is a discrete-continuous model?
When should I transform the predictors?
When should I transform the target variable?
What are the differences between perceptual, preference, and joint-space maps?
How would I know if I need a 2D or a 3D map?
What does it mean when my brand has high preference scores among customers, but it has relatively low market share in the map?
Can I interpret the coefficients from the panel regression model in the same way I interpret the coefficients from a simple regression model?
When should I use a fixed effects option versus random effects option?
Do I need a balanced panel data for using the panel regression tool in Enginius?
How many attributes and levels are should I include in a study?
Are there guidelines for how many ratings are completed by each respondent participating in the study?
What is a partworth?